Building from Urban Waste

How we can turn industrial waste into quality products. A smart waste solution that promotes innovation and quality products for the construction sector.

January 8, 2024   -  SUBJECT: Urban fossil collection

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Urban demolition waste.

A significant number of people live in urban areas and this number is set to increase over the years. This growth also means more consumption of products and consequently more waste and carbon emissions into the atmosphere.   

This reality only contributes to the deterioration of the environment and the health of the planet, which is why it is so important to be able to change this scenario by offering new functions for what was once considered superfluous.  

Read on to find out more about the main challenges faced by the sector in collecting recycled fossils, their impact on the environment, and the Coverings ETC products that are examples of success in this practice. 

What does urban fossil waste collection mean? 

The practice of collecting urban fossil waste is related to the recycling of materials to create other products. Packaging, objects and other items made of plastic, glass, and other types of base materials are collected, go through certain processes (depending on each company's objectives and way of working), and result in new products that can be reused by society in a new way.  

Giving these objects a new life and offering them back to the community is an act of environmental and social responsibility, as well as an opportunity to create new consumer habits. However, implementing this new cycle, also known as the circular economy, in a society that for years has been habituated to not caring what happens to its own waste, is also a major challenge.  

Here are some of the other challenges related to overconsumption and the waste it produces: 

One of the most complex challenges in this area is the fact that there are few biodegradable, compostable or bio-based products on the market. In addition, there is a worrying amount of plastic that is still made from fossil fuels.  

If we talk only about products made of plastic through processes that are not sustainable, it is important to add that throughout the life cycle of these products (production, use and disposal) there are levels of pollution and damage to the environment.   

Another point is related to poor waste management or to the process of manufacturing and using these products. Poorly coordinated disposal damages nature for years, not to mention all the contamination that these materials cause to the planet precisely because of the toxic way in which they are produced and then disposed of.   

The lack of commitment from the large companies and organizations that manufacture and distribute their products and services based on these materials to the community and the sector is another complex issue. Finally, it's important to have representation for end users and also product options that bring new approaches and solutions to some of these waste problems. 

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Coverings Eco-Terr® Tiles Urban Fossil Lime White and Eco-Terr® Tiles Urban Fossil Ash Grey samples.

Coverings and Urban Fossil Collection  

At Coverings ETC we believe in a green future and that technology can be used today to create and deliver innovative, high-quality products and services that are good for the environment.   

That's why we invest in the manufacture of coverings that use recyclable materials to give a new use to items that were previously considered waste. A great example of this is the Urban Fossil collection, a range of recycled and recyclable products that we offer to the industry and our customers, including examples of our Eco-terr Terrazzo and Bio-glass. 

The Urban Fossil collection represents an innovative approach to sustainable building materials. This collection is meticulously crafted from repurposed demolition debris, transforming what would otherwise be discarded demolition debris into a valuable building asset.  

Urban Fossil goes beyond environmental responsibility to provide a robust and versatile option for modern construction projects. This material avoids unnecessary accumulation in landfills and reduces the need for new raw materials. 

Bio-Glass® Urban Fossil  

The Bio-Glass® collection is one of our premium line products and includes 5 different recyclable base models: Aquamarine with Topaz bottles, Topaz with Topaz bottles, Glacier Shards with Topaz bottles, Glacier Shards with Aquamarine bottles, and Glacier Shards with Multicolored bottles.  

This product is made from glass beer, wine, champagne, rum and sparkling water bottles discarded by commerce and industry. The glass is made of 100% recyclable materials and is 100% recycled, which means that the product has a renewable life cycle, does not harm the environment and acts against the waste of this type of packaging. 

 Eco-Terr® Urban Fossil 

Eco-Terr® is a wide collection with many product options. Today we have 3 models in our portfolio that are also part of the Urban Fossil Collection because they are recycled and recyclable: Eco-Terr® Tiles Urban Fossil Lime White, Eco-Terr® Tiles Urban Fossil Ash Grey and Eco-Terr® Slab Urban Fossil Supernova Storm. They all have a unique aesthetic with different patterns and are made from recyclable cement and marble and granite chips.  

They are manufactured without polluting waterways and without the use of resins, epoxies or VOCs. And they are considered products that contribute to air quality and do not harm nature. 

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Kitchen project with Bio-Glass® Urban Fossil Glacier Shards w/Multi Color Bottles.

A future without waste 

 Many actions must be taken today to ensure a greener, more sustainable future in harmony with nature. The challenges are complex and based on ideals that no longer work. Today, there are options and opportunities in the industrial and construction sectors that allow for significant changes and efficient solutions to disposal problems, waste and negative environmental impacts. Not only for those who produce, but also for those who consume. These are the actions that can change the world. 



















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